Conference Meeting 2017 in Slovakia
May 14th-21th
All the groups met in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, where they had a great time and the opportunity to know each other.

Banská Bystrica: a beatiful city in the heart of Slovakia.

Colorful flowers in the principle square.

From an upper point of view...

From an upper point of view...

We enjoyed ourselves playing bowling.

One of the mst important churches in the city.

What we saw every morning, when we went to school.

The main square.

Beautiful and colorful flowers.

Day 4: we went to a park and to a museum about World War II.

Day 5: we visited Banská Štiavnica and its Mining museum.

We went also to Bratislava: here there's a view of the Danube river.

The Danube river.

Funny things we saw in Bratislava.